Locator Poltava Oblast Kremenchuk Dental clinicsDental clinics Kremenchuk

Dental clinics in Kremenchuk

  • Prokopenka Dentistry

    Avenue Svobody, tel. 0 (50) 507-75... show
    Avenue Svobody, 30, tel. +380(50)507-75-47 more
    Dental clinics Prokopenka Dentistry located in Kremenchuk, Avenue Svobody. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 19:00.
  • Дентал стиль

    Kremenchuk, Avenue Lesi Ukrainky, tel. 0 (53) 679-16... show
    Kremenchuk, Avenue Lesi Ukrainky, tel. +380(53)679-16-16 more
    Dental clinics Дентал стиль located in Kremenchuk, Avenue Lesi Ukrainky.
  • Oleinik Dental Center

    Дмитрия Тёмкина Lane, tel. 0 (53) 676-55... show
    Дмитрия Тёмкина Lane, 4, tel. +380(53)676-55-55 more
    Dental clinics Oleinik Dental Center located in Kremenchuk, Дмитрия Тёмкина Lane. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 20:00.
  • Dentist and Me

    Street Shevchenka, tel. 663794206795... show
    Street Shevchenka, tel. 053663794206795 more
    Dental clinics Dentist and Me located in Kremenchuk, Street Shevchenka.
  • Vivadent Dentistry

    Kremenchuk, Street Haharina, tel. 0 (53) 662-23... show
    Kremenchuk, Street Haharina, 17/47, tel. +380(53)662-23-03 more
    Dental clinics Vivadent Dentistry located in Kremenchuk, Street Haharina. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 18:00.
  • Сана

    Street Hvardiyska, tel. 0 (53) 677-53... show
    Street Hvardiyska, tel. +380(53)677-53-94 more
    Dental clinics Сана located in Kremenchuk, Street Hvardiyska.
  • Валекс

    Kremenchuk, Street Генерала Манагарова, tel. 0 (53) 666-20... show
    Kremenchuk, Street Генерала Манагарова, 7, tel. +380(53)666-20-97 more
    Dental clinics Валекс located in Kremenchuk, Street Генерала Манагарова.
  • Дитяча стоматологічна поліклініка

    Kremenchuk, Avenue Svobody, tel. 0 (53) 677-97... show
    Kremenchuk, Avenue Svobody, tel. +380(53)677-97-10 more
    Dental clinics Дитяча стоматологічна поліклініка located in Kremenchuk, Avenue Svobody.
  • 32 Богатиря

    Street Генерала Манагарова, tel. 0 (53) 666-06... show
    Street Генерала Манагарова, tel. +380(53)666-06-98 more
    Dental clinics 32 Богатиря located in Kremenchuk, Street Генерала Манагарова.
  • Бобер

    Street Лейтенанта Покладова, tel. 0 (53) 663-91... show
    Street Лейтенанта Покладова, tel. +380(53)663-91-68 more
    Dental clinics Бобер located in Kremenchuk, Street Лейтенанта Покладова.
  • Ваш Стоматолог

    Street Nebesnoi Sotni, tel. 0 (53) 663-30... show
    Street Nebesnoi Sotni, 51, tel. +380(53)663-30-90 more
    Dental clinics Ваш Стоматолог located in Kremenchuk, Street Nebesnoi Sotni. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Космодент

    Kremenchuk, Street Respublikanska, tel. 0 (53) 676-98... show
    Kremenchuk, Street Respublikanska, 87, tel. +380(53)676-98-87 more
    Dental clinics Космодент located in Kremenchuk, Street Respublikanska.
  • Оріс

    Kremenchuk, Street Nebesnoi Sotni, tel. 674233806795... show
    Kremenchuk, Street Nebesnoi Sotni, tel. 053674233806795 more
    Dental clinics Оріс located in Kremenchuk, Street Nebesnoi Sotni.
  • Dental Family

    Street Ttroitska, tel. 0 (67) 880-99... show
    Street Ttroitska, tel. +380(67)880-99-48 more
    Dental clinics Dental Family located in Kremenchuk, Street Ttroitska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 19:00.
  • Aesthete

    Avenue Lesi Ukrainky, tel. 0 (53) 679-85... show
    Avenue Lesi Ukrainky, tel. +380(53)679-85-50 more
    Dental clinics Aesthete located in Kremenchuk, Avenue Lesi Ukrainky.
  • Dental Studio Family Clinic Boichuk

    Kremenchuk, Street Pershotravneva, tel. 0 (96) 567-89... show
    Kremenchuk, Street Pershotravneva, 51, tel. +380(96)567-89-85 more
    Dental clinics Dental Studio Family Clinic Boichuk located in Kremenchuk, Street Pershotravneva. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Стоматологічна поліклініка №2

    Avenue Lesi Ukrainky, tel. 0 (53) 664-22... show
    Avenue Lesi Ukrainky, tel. +380(53)664-22-04 more
    Dental clinics Стоматологічна поліклініка №2 located in Kremenchuk, Avenue Lesi Ukrainky.
  • Medart Dentistry

    Kremenchuk, Boulevard Pushkina, tel. 0 (53) 678-00... show
    Kremenchuk, Boulevard Pushkina, 8а, tel. +380(53)678-00-58 more
    Dental clinics Medart Dentistry located in Kremenchuk, Boulevard Pushkina. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Dentistry Doctor Haver

    Street Ivana Mazepy, tel. 0 (53) 663-36... show
    Street Ivana Mazepy, 28, tel. +380(53)663-36-49 more
    Dental clinics Dentistry Doctor Haver located in Kremenchuk, Street Ivana Mazepy. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 19:00.
  • Ukrainian Family Dental Center

    Street Nebesnoi Sotni, tel. 0 (96) 530-05... show
    Street Nebesnoi Sotni, tel. +380(96)530-05-00 more
    Dental clinics Ukrainian Family Dental Center located in Kremenchuk, Street Nebesnoi Sotni.
  • Aibolit

    Avenue Lesi Ukrainky, tel. 0 (53) 672-07... show
    Avenue Lesi Ukrainky, tel. +380(53)672-07-30 more
    Dental clinics Aibolit located in Kremenchuk, Avenue Lesi Ukrainky.
  • МастерДент

    Street Pershotravneva, tel. 0 (53) 663-38... show
    Street Pershotravneva, 19а, tel. +380(53)663-38-93 more
    Dental clinics МастерДент located in Kremenchuk, Street Pershotravneva.
  • Dental clinic

    Kremenchuk, Street Soborna, tel. 0 (53) 662-21... show
    Kremenchuk, Street Soborna, tel. +380(53)662-21-21 more
    Dental clinics Dental clinic located in Kremenchuk, Street Soborna.
  • Albena

    Street Івана Приходька, tel. 666221506753... show
    Street Івана Приходька, tel. 053666221506753 more
    Dental clinics Albena located in Kremenchuk, Street Івана Приходька.
  • Альянс

    Street Oleha Koshovoho, tel. 670464906693... show
    Street Oleha Koshovoho, tel. 053670464906693 more
    Dental clinics Альянс located in Kremenchuk, Street Oleha Koshovoho.
  • Галадент

    Kremenchuk, Avenue Svobody, tel. 0 (53) 677-54... show
    Kremenchuk, Avenue Svobody, tel. +380(53)677-54-70 more
    Dental clinics Галадент located in Kremenchuk, Avenue Svobody.
  • Стоматология

    Kremenchuk, Street Ігоря Сердюка, tel.
    Kremenchuk, Street Ігоря Сердюкаmore
    Dental clinics Стоматология located in Kremenchuk, Street Ігоря Сердюка.
  • Vega Dent

    Kremenchuk, Street Molodizhna, tel.
    Kremenchuk, Street Molodizhnamore
    Dental clinics Vega Dent located in Kremenchuk, Street Molodizhna. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • Dental clinic № 3

    Street Ttroitska, tel. 0 (53) 663-51... show
    Street Ttroitska, 2, tel. +380(53)663-51-44 more
    Dental clinics Dental clinic № 3 located in Kremenchuk, Street Ttroitska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 19:00.
  • стоматология

    Street Ivana Mazepy, tel.
    Street Ivana Mazepymore
    Dental clinics стоматология located in Kremenchuk, Street Ivana Mazepy.
  • Dentist

    -, tel.
    -, 2more
    Dental clinics Dentist located in Kremenchuk, -.
  • Стоматологическая поликлиника № 1

    Street Kyivska, tel. 0 (53) 677-09... show
    Street Kyivska, 14, tel. +380(53)677-09-80 more
    Dental clinics Стоматологическая поликлиника № 1 located in Kremenchuk, Street Kyivska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 07:00.
  • Dental clinic

    Лейтенанта Дніпрова Embankment, tel.
    Лейтенанта Дніпрова Embankmentmore
    Dental clinics Dental clinic located in Kremenchuk, Лейтенанта Дніпрова Embankment.
  • Лео дент

    Street Kyivska, tel.
    Street Kyivskamore
    Dental clinics Лео дент located in Kremenchuk, Street Kyivska.
  • Невідкладна стоматологічна допомога

    Street Kyivska, tel.
    Street Kyivskamore
    Dental clinics Невідкладна стоматологічна допомога located in Kremenchuk, Street Kyivska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 00:00 to 08:00.

A brief overview of dental clinics in Kremenchuk (Poltava Oblast)

Here on this page is collected information about dental clinics, located in Kremenchuk (Poltava Oblast). Locator knows about 35 dental clinics near this place among them Prokopenka Dentistry, Дентал стиль, Oleinik Dental Center and other , which are located on ave. Svobody, ave. Lesi Ukrainky, ln. Дмитрия Тёмкина and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these dental clinics.

  • How many dental clinics in Kremenchuk?

    According to Locator data in Kremenchuk operates 35 dental clinics.

  • Which dental clinics are best in Kremenchuk?

    Locator recommends to visit the following dental clinics in Kremenchuk: Prokopenka Dentistry, Дентал стиль, Oleinik Dental Center.

  • Where are the nearest dental clinics in Kremenchuk to me?

    To find out which dental clinics is closest to you, go to the Dental clinics in Kremenchuk page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for dental clinics services in Kremenchuk?

    Prices for dental clinics services in Kremenchuk depend on the specific service and dental clinics. Locator allows all dental clinics to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific dental clinics page.

  • Which dental clinics services in Kremenchuk are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact dental clinics, which has a high rating according to Locator: Prokopenka Dentistry, Дентал стиль, Oleinik Dental Center.

  • How to contact these dental clinics?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these dental clinics pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

Dental clinics in Kremenchuk

Dental clinics by district Kremenchuk:

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